Monday, February 14, 2005

BIG Changes

I got a job today. Its nothing special and the pay is definitely short of spectacular but the hours are perfect. Monday through Friday 8am-5pm. Eventually I can work part time and the hours are flexible if I need to take off to see my aunt or what have you.

I'm kind of moving out of the house until Steve and I get married. There's more I could say but I dont want too. Suffice to say that we're still getting married and everything is normal. Sort of.

This kills me to say but I think we're going to get married by a Justice of the Peace in about six weeks, and still have another wedding in October. Again, more backstory but not really wanting to get into it.

I sent my aunt a letter today, detailing how I felt about her reaction. She called me today, too, and sounded a bit upset but I'm really not in the mood to talk to her. My life has been moving at light speed since I called her on Saturday and I'd rather wait to get on solid footing before calling her.

Still no word from mother. Hope I dont get into an accident or die, Steve wouldnt know where to start. My biggest fear is that she plans on dumping my sister off on her dad like she did to me. I was about the same age as my sister, just hitting puberty and periods and boys and make up when my mother decided that she needed a "change." She left me with my dad (who I could fill this blog up over his irresponsiblity) for about two years. When I flew down to live with her, she walked right by me at the airport, she didnt even recognize me.

So, I'm a working class schlub again. I dont mind, I was just blogging about how lonely I get. Maybe this will help.


Anonymous said...

Heya Ally,

Sorry I haven't been around much. Been really swamped since around thanksgiving.

Sounds like your Aunt is upset with your MOM, not YOU, but you were the only one there to go off on.

Anyway, I'll post more after I read through everything. Chin up, you seem like you've got it together even as the world swirls all around you. And that's not easy to do. Good job!