Monday, February 28, 2005

Riding in Cars with Boys

I've had this short story stuck in my head for the past few days. I think I'll blog it when I'm done. We'll see. It all started when I heard a song from back in the day.

I bought a CD last week. The first one I've bought in forever. I felt a little out of place trolling for CDs with all the college kids. Out of place doesnt describe it really. More like, old. Yeah, that's it. Old.

I havent moved out yet but that could be fast approaching. Steve and I are having some problems, and I'm stressing pretty hard. It sucks not having a girlfriend to call up and bitch too. Most of the stress is stemming from my creditors, but when I dont say something the right way or ask the right question, Steve stresses on me. I understand where he's at but honestly he doesnt know how to handle me at all. When I'm freaking out the last thing I need is someone speaking to me the way he does.

This morning he stayed home from work. I guess I didnt get up early enough because he went across the street and grabbed McD's for breakfast. He brought me back a Sausage McMuffin. I hate McMuffins. In all the time we've been together I've never ordered a McMuffin. In fact when it comes to breakfast fast food, its always a bacon egg and cheese biscuit. I know its dumb but that kinda hurt. I mean, doesnt he know my preferences at all?

Its more than that, really. Lately he's been making a lot of snide comments. Its really eating at me. This week I've heard a comment about my weight, appearance, eating habits, time of getting out of bed, how often I go to the gym, how often he works and I dont, his boat going into the water, how and what I cook, and about World of Warcraft. This morning he says to me that I really need to get a job so I can move out because we've been pissing each other off. Yeah, thanks for adding the distance. And while I'm moved out I'll just stay there permanently asshole.


I havent even thought of my wedding recently. I dont want to think about it. I dont want to think about the stupid Justice of the Peace.


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