Monday, January 31, 2005

Sandals, here we come!

Yep, its official. We're going to Sandals to get hitched. The wedding date is October 20th at 4:30p.m. On the beach even.

I'm so happy that its finally settled. I hated having things hanging in the air, and people asking me questions. I felt like the biggest buffoon saying "I'm not sure yet." Especially because I was so excited about the cruise.

The fun part comes in picking a dress. First, I expect to lose some weight between now and the wedding (hopefully 40lbs) which means lots of fittings. Then, I'm very particular about what I want to wear because it is going to take place outdoors on a beach. It would be silly to have a 6ft train dragging in the sand but I still would like a wedding dress that looks like a wedding dress. And of course, it has to be within my price range. Yeah, the dress is going to be a nightmare. Everything else is cake.

So my life is unexciting, as I'm sure you all realize that by now. I'm still hoping that my mom will tell Judy whats going on but its literally coming down to the midnight hour. I'll have to call my aunt Judy tonight and fish, see if my mom has even called her and when rent is due.

I was supposed to go and visit my aunt this past weekend but there was a death in the family. This is so sad, and senseless. My aunt has a son named Tony. Tony's in his 40's and dating a very nice woman of a similar age with children. One of the girlfriends' daughter's became pregnant, she was in her third year of college. Apparently she was a good student, got good grades and didnt drink, smoke, or party. Unfortunately she was overweight, and had terrible eating habits. When she became pregnant her blood pressure went up, and she continued to eat poorly. No veggies, fast food, soda, that kind of crap. The young woman was only 3 weeks from her delivery date, when she had a heart attack in bed and died. The mother found her in bed the next morning. The worst part is the baby was full term, he could have lived outside the womb. So my aunt's son is a wreck. He and his girlfriend move back in with my aunt, because they just cant stand to be in the same house where the girl died. I cant blame them, that's so awful.

1 comments: said...

Oh my god that is awful!

I am happy to see your wedding plans are coming together.