Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Wedding Bells and the blues

My mom still hasnt told Aunt Judy she's planning on moving out. I'm going to see my Aunt Judy this weekend, and if Mom still hasnt told her, I will. Its not that I want to get into their business, or start a fight, but my mom is flat out wrong and my Aunt deserves to know what's going on. Better take some tums.

Poor Pita. The dumb cat ate something he shouldnt have (God only knows what) and it gave him the runs for days, til finally he couldnt make it to the litterbox. I took him to the veterinarian and he perscribed some pills that made Pita behave like a crack head. It was pretty awful, he couldnt get comfortable, couldnt sit still. I dont think he slept the first two days. Steve and I had a running joke about the vet, because I've never seen another customer in there. I mean, they've talked about other customers in front of me, but I've never actually seen any. I think its time to switch vet offices.

I went to the gym, finally, and got weighed. I lost 1 lb with no exercise over the holiday (because of my back and the cold), my arms and waist got a bit smaller but my hips, ass, and bust got bigger. Go figure. I gave up soda, and am leaving a bite of everything behind that I eat. Hopefully that will help. I really cant complain, because at the very least I didnt gain anything over the holiday, which is pretty good I guess.

I'm cracking down on the wedding planning. We'd put it off til after the holidays, mostly because we wanted some time to think our plans over. I knew I wanted a destination wedding as soon as Steve suggested it, so even though we're not doing the cruise we're still going somewhere for our wedding. I'm leaning heavily towards a Sandals Resort in Ocho Rios, in Jamaica. Sandals has the best balance between cost and things to do at the resort, plus the wedding is free if we stay 5+ nights which we planned to do anyway. The only thing I'm wrestling with now is a budget. We want to keep it reasonable, and not go into debt for our wedding but we also want to have a nice time. The biggest thing we're waiting on is to see how much of a raise Steve is getting this year. We're hoping it will be high since his resume landed his company a nice fat contract but who knows.

I've been filling up my wedding notebook like a mad woman. Pictures of dresses, invitations, flowers, colors, ideas. I've decided on the wedding favors which is an odd thing to pick so early but I guess it was just easy with what we'd planned. I'm going to pick up some medium to small sized metal buckets from any old craft store, and starfish magnets. I'll fill the buckets with some saltwater taffy, a few sea shells, and wrap it with blue cellophane. I dont imagine it will cost a whole lot, but the guest list is so small anyway.

I think butterflies will be a theme at my wedding. I realize they're somewhat overdone, but its very symbolic for me. I've thought about this a lot the past few weeks, about my life. I've grown so much in the past two years, in so many ways. I really do feel like a butterfly. I was reading through a bridal magazine today, and it was like a neon sign to me, this tiny advertisement to have butterflies released at weddings. I'm looking into it, and its actually affordable. I can probably sacrifice something to do that, but until I have hard numbers I wont know for sure.

I spoke with my Aunt about the wedding, thats all she can talk about. She's one of those women that can take a rubber band and twine and make it look like a million bucks. She's absolutely thrilled to impart her wisdom on me, and for the most part I'm happy to listen. Anyway, she's horrified that I havent picked my wedding colors yet. I didnt think it was such a big fat hairy deal. So that lit a fire under my ass and I'm thinking that I like shades of soft purple and blue, with bright blue touches. I wont know for sure til I talk more to the Sandals people.

Steve has been awesome during this whole thing. When his whole family refused to come on the Cruise, I said, "lets just run away and get married, and have a small dinner here." Then I said, "lets have a courthouse wedding here, and small reception and go have a second wedding at Sandals." Then I said, "lets get married at Sandals, and whoever comes, comes." Each time I changed my mind, he didnt roll his eyes or take me less seriously. Although he did laugh and accuse me of trying to give him a heart attack.

I'm so lucky I get to marry him. Weddings are only as good as the person you are marrying and the committment you are making. I'd marry him in a muddy field next to an outhouse if that was my only option. The fact that I get to have a destination wedding makes it that much sweeter.


gargunkle said...

I did not even realize you were not doing the cruise. :/ That's okay mind you. Just want it to be right for you both.

Texas Gurl said...

Best wishes for you both. It sounds like you are marrying a wonderful man and for all the right reasons.

Anonymous said...

I'm back reading blogs again. Now I have hours and hours of catching up to do :D

I think you already realize you are both going to be thrilled no matter where you get married.

Sandals Ocho Rios would be a great place. We didn't get married there, but that is where we went on our honeymoon. If that is your choice for destination though, also check out the Sandals Dunns River. It is 10 minutes away and about 20 years newer. We were SUPPOSED to go there, but when we arrived in Jamaica, we were told we were bumped from Dunns River to Ocho Rios because of overbooking. It wasn't a big deal, especially since they threw in all our excursions for free. Both resorts were gorgeous, the only difference being age and size. (Dunns River is a bit bigger...)

Anonymous said...

Well I just got back from the gym and I am beat. I am currently doing some research on western wedding favors and stumbled across your blog. Which cracks me up really. The internet can certainly land you off base sometimes. Even though Raindrops keep falling on my head is not completely related I think it is a cool blog. I have read back through the archives and lots of people make some very good points. Well I have been on-line forever it seems. I need to continue to plug away at western wedding favors. If you have the energy swing by western wedding favors. I try to update my site weekly and maybe you will see something you like. I already snagged your URL and put it in my favorites. If you do not mind I will be back again. Great job!