Saturday, January 01, 2005

Pita to the rescue!

The last few days have been the roughest I've had in awhile. Never fear, Pita is here! And, Spooky and Steve too, hehe.

Spooky has never been a silly antics type cat, she's just very affectionate when I'm upset and has been the past few days. Pita on the other hand, well lets just say his name should be changed to Do-do for all of the dumb stuff he's done these past few days.

It started out the night everything happened. I was laying in bed, having trouble falling asleep when I hear this paper bag start rattling. Do-do was playing with a small, Bath and Body Works bag. It's 2am and I'm like, "crum, should I beat his butt now or wait it out and hope Steve doesnt wake up?" Do-do then proceeds to get his head caught in the handle, and cant get it off. He jumps down, bag flapping behind him like a little cape and I hear, "what is that stupid cat doing?"

I chase him down, take off his cape and throw it in the bathroom, shutting the door so Do-do couldnt get to it again. I thought that would be the end of it, but no. There were two more incidents involving the bag.

The next morning I went into the bathroom to do my morning business and Do-do followed me in. He gets himself stuck in the bag, again, only this time he's all twisted in it and cant move. I just shake my head, exasperated, and untangle him from the bag, hanging it on the linen closet door knob.

Time goes by and I'm doing stuff around the house. When its time for my shower, Do-do follows me back into the bathroom. He spies his bag, and starts knocking it from underneath. He does this a few times, til finally he knocks it off the handle. All thats in this bag is some tissue paper. It has no weight at all. But when that bag landed on his head you'da thunk it was the sky falling down. He tore out of that bathroom like the bag just bit his ear off and spit in his eye.

I shake my head, laughing at the dumb cat and take my shower. I get out, blow dry my hair and do other girly things to prep for the day. I'm in and out of the bathroom doing this, and I hear Do-do start meowing. As far as cats go, he's quiet. He doesnt even meow for food. So, I walk out of the bathroom to check him out, and he ambushes my legs. Apparently, hosiery offends him and must be destroyed at all costs. Do-do did this a few other times, luring me out of the bathroom with his piteous mewlings only to jump at my legs. He's so lucky he's been declawed. If he'd run my pantyhose I dont think we would have reconciled that.

Last night, Steve came into the computer room to play World of Warcraft with me. Steve spies Do-do in his chair, and he says, "Pita, thats my chair, get out." Then Steve, who "wouldnt care if the cat were gone tomorrow" picks Do-do up off his chair, sits down in it, and puts Do-do in his lap. Then, Steve, who always picks on me when he catches me talking to the cats, says, "Uh oh Pita, I dont know if we can play WoW tonight buddy. I think the log in servers are down." Priceless. So so priceless. I think I snickered for a half hour over that one.

Which brings us to today. I go into the bathroom and am standing in front of the sink, preparing for my shower. Do-do sees me in the bathroom and jumps into the sink, alternating between staring at me to turn the water on and twitching his tail (thanks Steve). Something made me reach out, and snap on the faucet full force, then turn it off. And, he just sat there. He licked himself, then turned expectantly to me to turn on his faucet to a healthy dribble. I couldnt help myself, I turned it on full blast and off again. This time, he got smart and lept out of the sinking, purposely knocking over everything in his path in his grand escape.

Hopping down onto the floor, he sees that his side has become the water faucet he was seeking. His fur is long, but not thick so it doesnt hold water. Water just runs off of him rather than soaking in. So, he's chasing himself in circles, trying to play with the water dripping off his fur. The mess was worth the laughing I got from that one.

Cats are definitely therapuetic. Usually. Sometimes.



Unknown said...

I love cat stories! You have got to post some pics of them on your site.

Adam said...

Has your cat decided he likes to knock over cups and glasses just because he might like what's in them?

We have to be very careful about leaving cups around, even on a coffee table while watching TV because ours will spill them on purpose any chance he gets...

gargunkle said...

My cats would be almost perfect, if I could curb the one of the habit of waking me up at 5AM for food.

Not my wife, just me. Bad cat.

Ally said...

Pita has taken to drinking out of my glass. I was sitting on the chair late one day and was really just beat. So I'm kind of relaxing, eyes closed with an almost empty glass of water in my hand when all of a sudden I feel a push against the glass. I looked down, and there was Pita with his head jammed as far as he could get it in the glass trying to get to the water.

Thus far, the only thing he knocks over is his water dish. But if I dont watch him he tries to drink out of my glass.

Texas Gurl said...

Doesn't it just melt your heart hearing a man speak to an animal you love? The way to my heart, I tell you.
I call that crazy time at night cats tend to go nuts...Crazy Hour. Once or twice a year my cat goes nuts and has Ultimate Crazy Hours. 3am jumnping straight up on a door frame, running up and down the hall with an occasional meow like it's a runway, pawing at closed doors. I've learned not to leave paper bags down overnight or my cat will paw at it off and on all night. Priceless.