Thursday, December 30, 2004

What the fuck man

My mom came over here for dinner and to open gifts before she goes back to Florida.

I talked to her the day before yesterday and told her explicitly that what she was doing was wrong, about not letting Aunt Judy know whats up. While we were here, I wanted to ask her about Judy's reaction to her news but the appropriate timing never occured.

After my mom left, I called Aunt Judy to let her know my plans for when I was going to visit next. Long phone conversation short, my mother still hasnt told Judy her plans. Judy was quizzing me as to why Kevin wasnt around with my mom when she went to Judy's yesterday. I told her honestly that he was still in Florida.

This is wrong. I'm so upset. My mom told me that the neighbor who was watching the cats mixed up who was who and let the girl out (who isnt fixed) and kept the boy inside (who also isnt fix). Needless to say, the girl is probably pregnant and the boy sprayed all over the house.

I'm pretty certain the house is in shambles at this point. Between the frozen pipes, and a mainly outdoor cat stuck inside for two+ weeks, and my mom going through boxes and bags to pack haphazardly, I dont even want ot imagine what the damage has been done.

I'm so upset. I dont want to lie for my mom. She's messing up so bad right now. Dammit.


Texas Gurl said...

No one takes care of our babies quite like we do, do they? It's so hard to find good help these days. ;)

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