Wednesday, December 22, 2004

You wascally wabbit!

Hank (Steve's dad) bought two rabbits. Amy and Tony are in Wisconsin, Tony's dad is dying of cancer and they took the kids with them. Something tells me its not going to be a very cheerful christmas up there so the rabbits will be a nice surprise when they get home. He bought a boy and a girl (we think) so hopefully they'll breed. Nicolas and Savannah were crazy for the baby chicks this spring, they love life. Its amazing. Hank has plans to get two goats too. He grew up on a farm, though. A southern, working farm with pigs and cows and chickens and gardens and the like. I think he's just tickled to have the room for all of these animals. I dont think they'll get a cow or anything that big but the goats and rabbits and chickens are close enough. He even has a little vegetable garden. Anyway, the girl rabbit is a beautiful gray color and the boy is just adorable. He's a medium brown on his back and shoulders and head, but the farther down on his body the lighter the brown gets til his belly which is all white. Man, he is adorable!

Yesterday Cris and I went out for the first time in ages. We sat in Chili's for two hours almost just talking. We wore ourselves out from talking so we just went home. I went out with them to dinner, since Steve was working late. We went to this buffet place called Wok n Roll. HA! And, the food was awesome. I dont like buffets because they always suck and they're never clean but this place had good food and was cleaner than most. They had a sushi bar, that was actually good. Hank took some wasabi and mixed it with some soy sauce, and he's like "try that." Like I never had wasabi before, he was expecting my eyes to bug out. I knew what I was getting myself into and my eyes still watered, hehe. Luckily wasabi doesnt stay with you, it goes pretty fast unlike Mexican food. That stays with you the rest of the day, heh. Cris and I went out again today, to finish up what we didnt get to yesterday. We braved WalMart. Or should I say, "Hellmart." Unfortunately, it couldnt be avoided. It only took us 20min to check out rather than the full 30 so I guess we got lucky. *roll eyes*