Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Its raining.. oh no wait is pouring!

So I woke up this morning to find a good portion of my guild left last night. I dont know what happened, I dont know who was involved, I just know who left. Of all the things that could happen to me as a guild leader I think people just up and leaving before I have a chance to repair the situation is the worst. No matter who is wrong or right, leaving without giving me a chance or warning stinks. I'm sure you all are saying, "Its the internet, who cares?" Well, mostly thats true. It is easier for me to turn off my PC and call it a night, except when it comes down to something as personal as my guild. I choose people who I like, and have fun with and think will make good additions to the guild. I (usually) put a lot of time and effort into the guild, and care about the people who play with me. To have someone leave in that way makes me feel betrayed.

I was getting over that, working through things in my little brain when my mother called. "Hi, my name is Ally and I'm psychic! I predicted everything that would happen to my mother when she got down there for her 'visit.'"

The house she was supposed to live in didnt come through. Kevin's dad decided to sell it, instead. She stayed the entire time with a friend who has multiple, serious health problems. Lung cancer, back surgeries, the whole nine yards. This person is depressed, ill, and could very possibly die and my mother is depending on her for a roof over her head? Oh, I forgot the best part. Red (Kevin's Dad) wanted my mother and my 9 year old sister to share a house with Kevin's brother, who just got out of a 19 year prison sentence for killing his wife. I'm all for people changing, but the man just got out of prison, there is no way my mother can let him live with her daughter. What kind of idiot even suggests that?

Kevin was working for this friends' husband, who has a history of not paying Kevin on time, or the right amount. Mother says, "Oh Diane is working down at the shop and they're using new computer programs to keep records and pricing." Uh huh. Diane, with the lung cancer, and the back surgery is going to make sure that Kevin gets paid, even if she needs that money for medical bills? Tell me another one Ma!

So Kevin is getting shafted into the $2k range already, and is selling his vehicle so they can pay my aunt rent. "This guy" is supposed to give him cash today or tomorrow and Kevin is driving a van that Red (his dad that welshed on the house) has "sold" him, even though no money/title has exchanged hands.

The pipes froze, so mother has no water up here. She also has no heat, because the heater that was acting up last winter is now completely broken. Instead of fixing the heater over the winter, she just crossed her fingers and hoped it didnt break down this year.

She asked me for money, for a loan. Thank God Steve and I can handle that. I know she hated asking, I know she hates that its coming from Steve but I am so thankful that we can help her. We can spare a good amount, and pay for February's rent for Judy. I know that will come. A car will break down, or Red will take the van Kevin is using, or my mom wont get as much on her tax return as she expects, the usual. And we'll pay the rent, because I wont have Judy angry that my mother screwed her out of money.

My mom didnt tell Judy that she was thinking of moving down there, you know. Whenever Judy called me, it was clear that my mother hadnt told her. She was so busy trying not to get screwed over my mother is going wind up screwing Judy.

Its so weird to know that this would have been my life. That I would have made similar choices, that I would have let things go until it was an emergency to fix them. I still do that, but atleast I have Steve to point out when I'm following that pattern and to get me back on track. I am so blessed. I am so thankful that I can help my mother. I just wish she would open her eyes and see what she does.

There's a lot more I could blog about, and I probably will later. Now, I've got to get my head screwed on straight and deal with the rest of my day.


gargunkle said...

You may want to know (since you are still the host) that Psion Team basically folded. There was a distinct lack of interest on the players' parts (mostly in the game itself, not in the SG). Myself and three other people set about finding a new home. That is after we had briefly reformed and seemed to be doing well as "Vigilance Inc." Anyway, you should probably close down the Psion Team web site. Though you are always welcome to pop into CoH and say hi. :) I just dinged 41.