Wednesday, December 08, 2004

If looks could kill

I would so be toast right now. Pita is unnnn-happy. He was glad to see me for as long as it took to get from the vet's to our house, then the nose and tail went up into the air and while I was sleeping I could feel the death glare through the door at me.

Okay. I exaggerate some. Pita actually came and slept with me this morning after I let him out of the bathroom. I think he's most irritated by the alternative litter box he has to use. Cats can't use regular litter after a declawing, because the litter gets into their paws and seriously irritates them so they have to use shredded newspaper or this other litter stuff. Its actually shredded newspaper made into little pellets. Most interesting, but Pita isnt going for it. Poor woogie. :-(

He, like Spooky, didnt move around too much last evening or during the night which was to be expected but I was slightly worried because the vet said he hadnt eaten any food while he was at the office. Pita also ignored the food and water dish last night up until early this morning, which really worried me. He should have had something, even just a little nibble. But the second time I woke up he was crunching and slurping away, so that was a big worry off my shoulder. There is a risk of depression with cats after they've been declawed, and that would just be the worst for Pita. He's so active and alert, it would seriously break my heart if he became depressed over this.

Christmas shopping is almost done. That's always an exciting feeling. I have my father in law, my sister, and my aunt. Hank is getting a honking gift certificate to Lowe's. I know he'll use it, and its better than me scrambling trying to figure which tool he needs this week to work in the yard. My sister is getting a bunch of clothes, she's outgrown all of her old ones and she needs some shorts and shirts that fit. Her belly was hanging out of her clothes, and she's not a fat kid but it made her look really sloppy and slobby. My aunt, she's a tricksey one. I know she needs a radio but I dont want to get her something she'll expect. The problem is that my aunt, like Cris, has five of everything. They come from the old school where if it still works, you dont throw it out. And I dont want to get her more crap to lug around. Maybe I'll get her a radio and a gift certificate to the fabric store up her way. I hate doing gift certificates, really I do. But, sometimes its the best thing you can give someone.

The tree is going up this weekend. I hope Pita doesnt try and climb it but I thoroughly expect him to play baseball with the bulbs on the tree. Its like a right of passage for any kitten's first Christmas. I started wrapping everything I've gotten this year already. Man, I got so lucky too shopping wise. I try and pick up things over the year here and there for Christmas but this year was a total dry spell. I found nothing that I thought so and so would like. So its the day after Thanksgiving and Steve is poking me to get out of bed. All I wanted to do was sleep, but he's like "honey, go now and you can do the bulk of your shopping and get good deals." Yeah me and every other freaking person in my area was out at 5a.m. I took one look at the lines at Best Buy and Walmart, laughed, and drove to Kmart.

I expected Kmart to be busy, but, they were a total ghost town. The customer service still blows, the check out still took too long, and the store still looked run down and yucky but hey! I can live with all of that if its not bumper to bumper buggies. And surprise surprise I found almost all of my gifts there. Some of them were on sale, a lot werent but again, I cannot stress how wonderful it was not to be elbow to elbow or fighting over the last sale item. So, here's a tip kiddies, shop your local sucky store this year instead of fighting with every other asshole in Walmart. It will save you money on Tums. :-)

Yep yep. I want to go play World of Warcraft now. I've spent too much time blogging as it is. Now thats addiction! *giggle*


Adam said...

LOL - I notice Lily hasn't blogged since the day WoW came out! I'm up to level 10 now, and Sharon is level 6.

BTW, Pita will be fine. We've got a cat now that sounds about as neurotic as yours. He was seriously pissed for about 3 days when we took his front claws out, yet he was back to his normal self afterwards. The only problem was it took him a bit longer to remember he didn't have claws anymore and he almost took a few tumbles when he couldn't grab onto his perch upon landing.

I applaud you for switching litter. We didn't bother to do that, instead we used the excuse "it will confuse him". The litter didn't seem to bother his feet any (we use the powdered clay stuff that clumps), even though he did have one paw that took a lot longer to heal than the other. said...

Did you know that Kmart bought Sears out? So I guess it will be called Seamart or something now. I am expecting great things from this fusion of shopping icons. Like a place where you can buy a Kenmore refrigerator and then head over and pick up some toilet paper.