Friday, December 24, 2004

Someone dinged my car


I noticed this Tuesday but I didnt calm down about until today. Coming out of Hank and Cris's house I saw a good 3" crease down the back side of the car. They must have nailed it pretty good too, my car is not made of fiberglass its made of steel.

I realize that my car is older and not worth very much money but it's my car. It's my thing that I take care of. Oil changes, tire rotations and other maintainences. And along comes some jackass in a car that's too big for them to be driving (otherwise they wouldnt have hit my car). And it was either an SUV, a big honking truck or an older conversion van because of the height of the ding.

I really am irritated. There is such a lack of respect for other people and their things in this country. Once upon a time if you borrowed something from someone you gave it back in the same condition you lent it in. People went out of their way to take care of a borrowed item. Now, dont bother lending something if you want it back. You either get it back in shitty condition, or you dont get it back at all.

This totally falls under The Meaning of Life post I made awhile back. Dont be a piece of shit car dinger and not even have the courtesy to leave a note. I wouldnt call the insurance agency, christmas its only a ding but an "I'm sorry, here's my number if we need to settle up" would suffice.

But, in the spirit of trying to be a better me, I forgive you, jackass, where ever you are and I hope your holidays bring you joy, and that nobody dings your car.



Lili said...

That just sucks :( You're right, people are idiots. It's a 'me first' kind of world, and it sucks. For some reason, the "Holiday Spirit" around here is more cutthroat and callous than giving and joyous. People are out ther driving like idiots, being pushy, rude. Wtf, I say, WTF. I'm seeing it a lot, this year, and frankly, it bothers me.

Merry Christmas Allycake, if I don't see you in game, I should be back around tomorrow night, or Sunday. I hope you and Steve have a great holiday! Hugs to you guys!