Thursday, October 21, 2004

The Meaning of Life, According to Allerielle

Clean up after your dog's shit. This falls under consideration to your fellow man. I'll expound upon this a bit, because I feel it needs to be explained.

Nothing is worse than being woken up at 8a.m. by the sound of the landscapers lawnmower. The only consolation I get here is the smell of fresh cut grass, except because of certain inconsiderate people that live on my block I get hit with a wave of fresh cut dog shit. This brings me back to my youth, when I would play the "roll down the hill" game and land in a pile of dog shit. Clean up after your dog, there is no excuse to leave a mess on public property.

And how about when you miss your turn lane and block traffic trying to get over instead of following traffic and turning around? Falling under consideration to your fellow man, this is guarenteed to get my blood pressure up. Nothing says "I'm a jackass" more than holding up traffic because of your sorry mistake. At 2am, nobody around, who gives a fuck? But at 6pm when everybody is trying to get home just like you, holding up traffic because if your stupidity isnt kosher. Turn around, there's no excuse.

No matter what anyone says, manners are important. Its politeness, its a show of basic respect that we have for every human being. It doesnt mean that every person should be revered, or held in awe, but a general, "we're all on this planet together" respect would suffice. "Yes sir," "yes ma'am," "have a nice day," an opening smile, an opened door, all of that adds up to a better place to be.

Everybody always says we're here to learn. That's true, but as much as we're here to learn, we're here to teach. And we teach by example. So keep that in mind the next time you want to go off on a salesperson because you've had a bad day, or treat someone like they're an idiot (even if they are).

I used to think that what goes around comes around, and I still do to a certain extent. I think this is a better way to say it: "What you do now, will live on after you."


Anonymous said...

Gridlocking is one of the things that pisses me off most in traffic. Grr