Sunday, October 24, 2004

Pita Update

I havent done one of these in awhile, and I still cant find my camera, dammit.

Pita is now almost 5 months old. I took him to the vet, thinking he was a she, but it turns out, he is a he. Who knew? He's close to full grown, and he's going to be a long kitty. One of the ones that you wonder where they put all of the rest of themselves when they stretch out and you really see how long they are.

The last I wrote, I think I mentioned his shower fetish but that was on the old blog in August. Well he still sits between the shower curtain and liner, and jumps in to play by the drain when you are finished. I've been more careful about letting him near the litter when he's wet, as I've learned my lesson after the third wet scoopable litter incident and had to vacuum the entire house and clean the walls where he flung it off his tail. More recently he's been somewhat sedate, preferring to stay in the sink rather than play in the toilet. Oh, I didnt mention the toilet incident? How could I be so forgetful. Maybe because I dont want to remember?

Long story short, Pita finally got long enough to reach in and play with the toilet water without falling in. It didnt occur to me til after the third time I picked him up and his paws were wet even though none of us had taken showers, when I realized he hadnt come upstairs from the tub, but instead walked out of the downstairs bathroom. The sink was bone dry, leaving only one other option. The toilet. I got everyone on the program of leaving the lid down, as nobody wants kitty toilet paws on them. The extent of his love of the toilet became obvious to me when after several days of closed lids and shut bathroom doors, I went into use the restroom before taking a shower. He followed me in, as he always does, but as soon as I raised the lid to use the toilet myself, he jumped on the seat and in one constant motion started forward to stick his paw in the water. Horrified, I snatched him up, and threw him down only to have him immediately jump back up on the seat. This time, I held him as I turned around and sat on the toilet, only letting him down when I was certain my behind was covering the entire toilet seat. He still managed to find some room to jump back up behind me trying to get at the toilet before I shoved him off again.

We've been leaving the sliding glass door open, to get some cool, fresh air in the house. Pita has graduated from climbing curtains, and moved onto the screen. Yes, he wants a mountain climber degree. Thats okay, as I'm working on my Kitty Ass Whooping degree. We'll be even, someday.

He's been calming down enough that we can leave him in the bedroom with us at night. Everything goes well, until he moves from the foot of the bed, up to in between Steve and I's heads. Since he likes Steve a lot, he graces Steve with his little kitty nose on the crook of Steve's neck. Me, yeah, the one who cleans up the litter box and feeds and waters him, and lets him take showers with me, yeah I get a face full of kitty ass. The little bastard always does this right when I'm half awake, half asleep too. His only saving grace is that he hasnt farted while in this position.

Then there was what I've dubbed, the Vase Incident. Steve has a lot of beautiful, authentic, and old Japanese stuff. He was born in Japan 35 years ago, and his mom like, bought half of the country to commemorate the event. Hehe, I kid but there is a lot of priceless, Japanese stuff that she bought while over there to give to him when he became an adult. He still has all of it, from a tea set to two dolls, a 6ft Jade Divider, two vases, to a sword and cabinets. All of these things are displayed, and protected if possible. The vases are floor vases, that stand about 30" high off the ground. Pita, in all of his youthful wisdom, jumps up on one of the vases and is stretching there, trying to reach at something. My heart is in my throat, the word "irreplaceable" is screaming through my skull, and all I can say is "NOOOOO!" He jumps down, and literally, the vase does the circular weeble teeter before finally reseating itself on the ground. But I died of a heart attack already. That's Pita's mission in life, to kill me from a heart attack.

Other than that, he's still digging at the plants ocassionaly. Quite the gardener he is. He has discovered a tear in the bottom of the box spring cover, and likes to climb under the box spring like a moron. He'll learn, when he loses a paw or an eye, dammit.

Yeah, enough about Pita. My blood pressure is skyrocketing. But, in case you were wondering, he's still alive.