Saturday, October 23, 2004

Ceremony Site Photos

I've been trying to get ceremony site photos from my travel agent for almost two weeks. For whatever reason, she just wasnt getting it. So I went straight to Carnival on Tuesday, calling the wedding people. I specifically asked for photos of the Ocho Rios wedding site, and the woman on the phone said she'd send them to me. I wanted them mailed, so I could show them to family.

I got the packet in the mail yesterday, and opened it excitedly, only to find the same shit my travel agent has been sending me, and what I've found on the internet. Absolutely no photos of ceremony sites at all. Dammit, that pissed me off. I was very specific on the phone with the woman from Carnival.

So I called them up, raising hell. Its ridiculous that I'm having this much trouble getting photos of the ceremony site. This was the LAST THING I NEEDED TO SEE to make my final decision. The woman immediately emailed me photos. I was like, "why the fuck didnt we do this in the first place?" I still want them mailed to me, so I can show the family but damn.

Anyway, without further ado, here are the photos:

This is the actual ceremony site. We get married right next to the waterfall.

The gazebo is where we have a little cake, and a champagne toast. If you look, in the picture you can see the cake.

I'm happy. I think everything is beautiful. The only thing I dont care for is the railing, but I can deal with that. I mean, look at everything else, its stunning.

I'm so happy. :-)


Adam said...

OMG, Ally!!!!

I know EXACTLY where that spot at Dunn's River Falls is. Sharon and I were less than 50 feet from the place those pictures were taken back in January.

You will be absolutely thrilled with your choice. The pictures don't nearly do it justice. It's even more spectacular in person.

Adam said...

Dangit. That's what I get for posting BEFORE I finish reading your thread.

Have no fear, where that couple standing by the railing is a bit away from the Gazebo. There are COUNTLESS other location to get pictures with the waterfall where there won't be a railing in the way. Don't let it bother you at all.

Lili said...

Oh wow, that's really something, damn. I'm so excited! I'm excited for you! (and I can't WAIT to go! omg!)

Ally said...

Thanks, Tito. That really helps me, because this is such an unconventional choice. I would be heartbroken if it sucked. Seriously. :-p

Lilija, OMG OMG!! :-D