Wednesday, October 13, 2004

My Birthday

My birthday was October 3rd, and it was the best yet. Got up early, went out to a simple breakfast then went to church. I love the church, if you can call it that. Its more like a bible study than anything, well more on that later.

After church we went to EB Games and preordered WoW Collecter's Edition, yay! Then we stopped by the bookstore and I got a new cookbook. I love that Rachael Ray chick from the Food Network. She's a genius and making stuff I'll eat and its fast.

Later that night we went back out to Chili's (my favorite restaurant) and had a nice quiet dinner. The food was excellent and I had a little mixed drink, a Jamaican something or other. I was appalled when I saw the bill though. The drink was $7, the same as my dinner! Yeah, not ordering that again. :p

As for my gifts, well I've gotten everything and I have to say that I liked everything I got which is sooo rare. My mom got me a beautiful gold necklace with a huge Opal and a tiny diamond. Opal is my birthstone, and I just love the necklace. Its sooo pretty. :)

My mother in law got me a black sweater that I really like and this notebook which will be perfect for planning the wedding. ;) I cant believe how much I liked the notebook either. I know its silly but I'm just thrilled by that thing, hehe.

My sister in law got me this stoneware pan I've been wanting since she was going to throw a Pampered Chef party this summer. I was looking through the magazine and was asking her forever when she was going to do a Pampered Chef party and she kept putting me off. When she gave me the stoneware pan I laughingly asked her if this was why she was putting off the Pampered Chef party and she said yes, hehe.

I am just amazingly happy at this very moment. :)