Sunday, February 20, 2005

And how

So I got that job that I blogged about. One day into training I absolutely hated it, but I wasnt going to say anything. Fortunately I didnt have too. Steve came home and took one look at my face and clothes and said, "Is it that bad?" I nodded, and he said I didnt have to go back. I just didnt want to let Steve down, basically by regressing into old patterns. But we talked about what my problems were with it, and he agreed, and here I am building a new resume.

I'm also in the process of sorting out my debt. I have about $4,000 in debt that we need to pay off before we can marry. There was an eviction notice, and judgement against us, a credit card, a few hospital bills, a stupid cell phone, and a few bounced checks. Sifting through all of this crap paints this picture of what my life used to be, and its not pretty as you can imagine. I cant believe I didnt pay off that credit card, I cant believe I let myself be evicted. I cant believe I played "beat the bank" with post dated checks, and lost mind you.

I'm happy to be paying off these debts, though. I've been using Netbank, which is an online bank, for a checking account because no regular bank in their right minds would hand me a check book. But its been five years and my record was purged. On Friday I walked into a regular banking institution and opened a checking account, that made me feel so good. I really dont want to screw up this new chance, that's for sure.

In case you were wondering, I havent spoken to my mother yet still. I remembered the lady's last name but there is no phone registered to her in Florida, or her husband. If there really was an accident, there's no way I can get ahold of her.

We havent talked anymore about our justice of the peace ceremony. I think we're both a little disappointed because it isnt the way we wanted things to go. Oh well, we'll figure something out.

2 comments: said...

Ally, you're blogging again! I got caught up reading and sorry to see all the bullshit you are going through. Some people just aren't meant to be parents. They don't have what it takes within them. But there they are, with a kid.

I've been reading this blog that for some reason I think you might enjoy. Its at need to read the WHOLE THING from the beginning. You will find "Easy Chapter Links" on the right side of the blog. Don't worry, its do-able....a chapter might only consist of a picture. It took me about an hour and a half to read. I don't want you to feel so alone in Mom-Hell.

Anyway, Chickadee, its good to see you back on the scene!

Anonymous said...

Hi Blogger. Can I find any information on here? My friend said to check out Raindrops keep falling on my head for information on hospital bills but this does not seem like the most relevant of blogs. I like cruzing through your site but maybe search engines might have more information. Need to come back later though...great blogs!