Thursday, November 11, 2004

Afterthoughts and Whimsy

I'll start with whimsy.

My gym is right across the street. I walk there in the mornings to go work out. The road in between the gym and my house is a four lane, busy road with a median in the center. I was running across the road the other day and I made it to the median and it was like I was a kid again, running to base. I almost said, "base!" Hehehehe. That just made me giggle.

Afterthoughts are more in depth and grumpy. Be warned.

My mom and I decided several weeks ago that she wouldnt be coming to Thanksgiving dinner. That was before she planned on moving to Florida. I had already invited Roger and Karen, our pastor and his wife, and Steve's parents. For the size of our house thats the perfect amount of people, really. Well, now my mom is coming, and I cant uninvite Roger and Karen (not that I would) and Amy decides she isnt going to Wisconsin for Thanksgiving. The whole reason I was hosting Thanksgiving this year was because Amy and Tony and the kids were going to Wisconsin, and Tita and Al were flying to Texas. That left Cris and Hank, and thats fine for my little house.

Now that Amy and Tony arent going, and my mom is coming to my house I just dont have the room for everyone but I dont want to leave Amy and Tony without family on the holiday season. I've been without family around the holiday, and it really stinks. I suggested to Cris that she stay at Amy's house and do something with them. Well this got to be a whole big thing like I suddenly didnt want Cris to come over which isnt true at all. I want her there, but I dont have the room for Amy and Tony and it would be rude of me to invite Cris and Hank AND Roger and Karen who I already invited, and not Amy and Tony and the kids.

5 phone calls later, we got this all sorted out. Hank and Cris are coming to my house and Amy and Tony will do something just for themselves. This is actually something I'm looking forward too. A nice, quiet dinner where our parents can get to know each other. Thankfully, Kevin wont be there. Just my mom and my sister. But its the right atmosphere I think for everyone to be able to talk and stuff.

Afterthoughts is really what happened after Amy and I had our last phone call. We hung up and she called me 10 minutes later to see if I wanted to go to lunch with all of the women in the family. They had already made plans, and since she and I got off the phone with each other suddenly it occured to her to invite me.

Its nice being an afterthought.

I had a nice workout this morning but everything else from the night before has been absolutely shitty. To the point that I dont even want to blog about it. I just want to crawl into bed and put a pillow over my head.


Unknown said...

I think you should just cram the whole gang in for Thanksgiving. Just make sure everyone brings something to eat! Cooking a whole lot sucks.
Hope you get in a better mood by the time you read this!

Anonymous said...

I am at the point where I do not necessarily enjoy the workout itself (it's hard work!) but I really enjoy how I feel afterward (I feel great!).


Adam said...

Keep your head up. You can't worry about Amy all the time, don't even bother to try.

And in a pinch there are a ton of furniture rental places that you can get an extra table for $5 and chairs for $1 a piece for the day if you need them. Just check the phone book for Party Rentals. An extra table goes a long way for placing all the food if you have your entire table crammed with people.