Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Well, for the first time ever I voted today. It was definitely an experience. I got to the line and realize that they had mispelled my name on my voter registration card. So I had to wait while the lady called over her supervisor and he had to call his supervisor. Blah blah blah, and ten minutes later I got to vote.

At first I thought I was going to have to go into the old booths, and I got nervous. They looked like soemthing out of an old Vincent Price movie with all of the bars and levers and the curtain. Weirdness. Luckily the lady in front of me declared that she didnt "wanna use that thang." That "thang" was the electronic machine. Right. So you can use an electronic banking system, but not a voting system. Go figure.

So I got my little sticker (yay) and as I was walking out of the library where we voted, I just felt really good. Like I'd done something important. Hooray for being an American. This place can be a real shit hole sometimes, but its a hell of a lot better than anywhere else in the world.

I told Steve that was the first time I'd ever voted, he kind of just rolled his eyes. I've tried to explain to him, how it was before. That it was just a lifestyle, where you bitch about the government but dont vote or take an active interest in your civic duty. I told him I could count on one hand how often my mom had voted, hehe. Actually, it was only once that I know of and it was for Dukakis. She hasnt voted since that election.

Anyway, I'm hoping that the winner will win by a landslide, and the loser will make a graceful exit, but I doubt that will be the case. I'll be glad when this election fiasco is over, really. I can go back to being semi normal, instead of secretly disliking people like Tito described. And one can only hope it will shut certain board personalities up, however unlikely that may be.


Adam said...

Good job with the voting, but seriously... You don't really think I'll ever shut up on ACF, do you? I guess you'll still have to secretly still hate me. :P

OK, I'm kidding, and let me let you in on a little secret: I'm not really as liberal as I pretend to be on ACF. And I know for a fact several of the right wing guys aren't as far right as they pretend to be either. Several of us on both sides are good friends and we laugh about playing it up intentionally just to get under certain people's skin. Sure it's evil, but hey, it's ACF. We pass around right and left ideas and talking points over teamspeak in CoH and AC all the time.

I won't deny that I'm quite anti-Bush, but I'm not nearly anti-Repub as the impression I give. In fact I voted for about 25% Republicans today. Certainly far from being conservative, but definitely a lot more centrist than most people think I am. It's really just a matter of voting for who you think the best candidate is, and leave the political party out of it.

Now don't go blowing my secret. I worked hard to convince several people over there that I'm some sort of tree hugging liberal. :D