Saturday, November 06, 2004

Furniture Madness

In case you were wondering what's happened to Lilija, Partydawg and me, well let's just say we have been sucked into the black hole known as gaming addiction again via World of Warcraft. We are all still semi-reachable through our guild website but that's not a guarantee.

If you were wondering about Pita, he's fine although he's up to some new tricks. Pita's been hanging out in the sink recently. Steve, in all of his wisdom, decided to let the sink run to teach Pita a lesson. Had Steve consulted me before hand I would have told him exactly what was going to happen. However, he did not. Pita immediately began batting at the water, splashing it everywhere but most notably the giant wall mirror in front of the sink. When that didnt work out so well, Pita decided he was going to bite the water, and managed to get water up his nose at which he shook the water off his entire body. In a miracle of modern science, Pita's tiny body put forth enough water to drown a horse, all over the bathroom. Steve is in the shower watching this happen, and laughing so hard I thought he was going to fall on his ass. Yeah, really funny. I've got to clean up the 8th ocean and now Pita expects you to turn on the water for him whenever he jumps into the sink. Genius idea, Steve. Well, I s'pose it is better than the toilet.

As far as that goes, its too cold for Pita to be running around the house with wet fur and we get into an argument everytime I have to towel him dry. There is hope. Pita has taken to being blow-dryed. As long as the air doesnt hit is ears, he'll sit there like he's king of the world being waited on by a servant. The little shithead. But atleast I dont have to worry about him catching the kitty equivalent of pneumonia.

Nothing beyond that to report, except that yesterday Pita was attached to my leg. He followed me everywhere I want. Note: everywhere. I was sitting at the desk playing World of Warcraft, and Pita was not going to be happy unless he was sitting across my lap on top of my hands. I have a lot of lap, dear reader, but he has a lot of body so he kept sliding off. It was pitiful but he would not give up. Finally we came to a compromise. He laid in the chair behind my butt and I got to hang off the front end of my chair. Great compromise but atleast I could type without sounding like I had Tourettes.

Onto what I have dubbed, "furniture madness." When we first bought the bed we bought a Queen sized bed. Before it was delivered, Steve changed his mind and wanted a King sized bed. So we had to go back and get the size up in frame and mattress. Well the mattress we wanted was a huge price difference. I took a lower priced one, but made Steve come in with me today to make sure this is one we would be okay with. He said no. Why was I not surprised? /roll eyes

We picked out a different mattress, even more expensive than the original (I think he did that to spite me) and while we were there I dragged him over to the living room set I saw the second time I was there. I wanted to show him what I liked, so we could keep an eye out for it. Long story short, we're getting a new living room set too.

November 17th is what I have dubbed, "D" day for us. The "D" stands for 'dammit' because that's what I'm going to be saying all day. Somehow, some way, the dining room, living room, and bedroom furniture all needs to be removed that morning although we could probaby do the dining set the night before.... I digress. And the spaces need to be cleaned before anything else can be set up. This isnt as true with the living and dining area because they're hardwood floor and easy to keep after. Its the bedroom that I'm scared about. You know, how the five million things accumulate. I'll clean it up before they deliver but just my luck there'll be a stray set of panties roaming around. *sigh* Plus, they have to get the bed frame which is going to be a king sized sleigh bed, plus the king mattresses up the tiny stair hallway to the bedroom.

As a woman, I'm really excited about new furniture. But also as a woman, I'm like, "that's a buttload of work to do to prepare." Oh well, atleast we arent looking for coffee tables. We have something already that will work perfectly. Now its just the rug for the living room we need to get.

Sooo we're prepared for a Queen sized bed in that we have plenty of sheets, blankets, even a down comforter and the cover I bought recently for it. Now, I have to buy everything, King sized. That's not cheap. I still want to go cheap, while Steve is fighting me on getting something nice to have for a long time. I'm all for nice but I cant help but think of the price tag, especially when we have to pay for the cruise reservations and wedding cermony next pay day. Financially, we're still pretty stable but I'm still balking at spending so much in one month.



Adam said...

Steve was 100% right on not going cheap on a mattress. I would literally go cheap on a car before I would go cheap on a mattress. Not getting quality sleep has so many negatives and fallouts outside the price of a mattress that it's simply not worth it...

Also, good choice upgrading to a King. Snuggling is nice, but so is being able to roll over and have some personal space when you're finished. :D

Finally, I figured WoW was where you and Lili disappeared to. How is it? What server are you guys on? And look for me the day Open Beta starts. I'll be the level 1 nOOb asking for l33t stuff. (OK, maybe not. :D)

Unknown said...

Definitely agree with the comment that a good mattress is worth the investment. No wet Pitas are allowed on that new mattress, though!

Adam said...

OK, who is BConklin? Her e-mail address is local to like an entire 5 mile radius around my house. Scary!

Ally said...

B.Conklin is Planet Brenda. Her blog is here:

She's a neat person, she rambles in her blog like me. Its a good thing. :-)

As for World of Warcraft, are you on crack? Its the best thing, ever. Actually, scratch that. We're on crack, he he.

As for Pita, he considers drying himself off on my side of the bed a national past time. Its always my side. Wtf is up with that?


/roll eyes

Adam said...

WTF is up with that???

Oh, come on. You already know the answer. Women are ALWAYS supposed to sleep on the wet spot!! :P

Anonymous said...

Chelle wants to get some new furniture too. I think not til we get a new house though.

Hope WoW is going well, but try to log into AIM once in a while. :)

New CoH supergroup is up -- you can close down the Psion Team forums/site.