Monday, November 01, 2004

Stupid Pita Tricks

Well, aside from the toilet and tub hopping, Pita does lots of other things to entertain us around the house.

He likes to bunny hop when he's startled. One time he was sitting on Steve's legs, and something startled him so much he hopped up and down four times in a row before jumping off Steve's legs.

Pita's favorite toy is not a mouse, its actually a plastic bag. Fake mice, he eats. Plastic bags, he plays with all night long. Most noteably at 2am. Outside our bedroom door.

Pita's second favorite toys are all of my hair ties. Hair bands, barrettes, headbands, bobby pins, you name it. It was okay before, because he'd just hide them under the bed so I knew where to look if I needed something. But lately he's taken to putting them in his water dish to ensure he keeps them.

Which brings me to his new favorite thing to do. He likes to tip his water bowl. I know he's doing it on purpose because its only half empty, with giant puddles of water on one side of the bowl.

He makes a great halloween cat atleast. He was sitting up in the sliding glass door watching all of the tricker treaters go by. All the girls were like, "AWWWW" til I told them he likes to play in the toilet.

Pita's really starting to think he's king of this castle. He sleeps in between Steve and I. Just recently I woke up in the middle of the night to find myself on the edge of the bed with Pita in between Steve and I, and Steve was on the very edge of his side of the bed as well. Pita was stretch out in between Steve and I, his head on my chest and his feet pushing at Steve like he was going to push him off the bed. I couldnt believe my eyes! He keeps getting in between Steve and I, like just earlier today we were sitting next to one another on the couch and Pita jumped up in between us and laid down.

Right now, king of the castle is snoozing on the couch, stretched out on his side like a person. He's got his feet like a person would when laying down. Cracks me up. When he sits on the bed he sits with his head facing the door and his paws tucked up under his body. The way he's got his head just makes him look all regal though.

You can say anything you want about this cat, but damn, he's got personality.


Adam said...

Hah - Sounds like PITA is living up to his namesake. Our old Pita was the same way, and I think she was reborn into our younger cat "Oreo" who is even worse...

Cats with personality are awesome. :D