Thursday, November 04, 2004

So much for that

I was hoping after the elections, especially by the margin that Bush won with, that things would settle down on ACF.

Of course not.

I dont know why I care, other than it used to be a fun place to chill and get a good chuckle now and then. It hasnt been like that for awhile but I guess your first forum addiction is like your first MMO, hard to give up.

I guess its just weird. I never thought I would feel so personally attacked, or have to defend myself the way I do on ACF now. Christianity is the new thing to hate, I mean really hate. There are two personalities over there that hate Christians. I dont know who peed in their Cheerios, but what the hell?

And suddenly Christians are the only ones to have morals? Errr. How about no?

Its sad that only the far right whack jobs get air time. If you were to ask the average Christian about their faith, it would definitely different from that one nut job, I dont remember his name but he's the one that said Tinky Winky was gay and all that horse shit. I've got news for you Christian haters, we roll our eyes at him too.

The thing is, the majority of Christians are relatively normal people, trying to live our lives in service to the Lord. As for the ones that twist God's word, well just remember, that's the man, not the Lord speaking.

I know a lot of bad things have been done within the churches, and by the representatives of the churches, and you can choose to remember that, rather than all the good churches try to do. I used to think that Christian missionaries over in other countries were bad, and holding food and health over natives head in order to get them to come to faith but that's not true. In third world countries, one thing they dont have is hope. And the Lord brings hope to everyone.

So you can choose to remember the ugly things, or you can think about the good that Christians do. The soup kitchens, the homeless shelters, and yes the missionaries. Even me. I remember once my mother couldnt pay rent, or utilities and had no money for food. So she, who never ever went to church with me, asked my church for help. And they helped her, no strings attached. One year a Christian organization paid for my christmas. There was no money, so my mother contacted some organization that sponsored families. They bought us a turkey, and everything that goes with it, plus all of my presents.

All of the good stuff gets lost in the bad. Its hard to buy into meekness and let go of pride when some preacher is rolling around in his big caddy with his nice suit and pinky ring telling you to tithe to the church. That's not what the Lord is about, but seeing that makes a lasting impression on non-believers. Been there, done that.


This post brought to you by "I cant believe its not ACF!"


Lili said...

Jerry Fallwell. That's that bastard's name.

Even though I'm not Christian, I have enough really really good ones, Catholic, Jehovah's Witness, whatever denomination you are, Baptist, etc, in my life, to know exactly what you mean. I feel comforted by their presence, because faith, any faith in a creator, is important to me.

Devout Catholics are just as repulsed by what goes on with the 'bad Catholics' as the rest of us are. It's a shame that a few bad (and vocal) representatives, like that Fallwell guy can spoil the reputation of a whole title. But then...the people that base their view of all Christians off of a few perverted priests, are just perpetuating the ignorance. It's this whole ugly cycle, that I wish more people would actively take part in breaking.