Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Days Go By

I had my first appointment of 3 for personal training with Nancy the gym lady. She took my measurements again, even though its only been about 2 1/2 weeks. I've gained two pounds, and in some places my measurements stayed the same. However, I did lose and gain some measurements in certain areas, which is to be expected. Nancy said that I was right on target. I am building muscle which is why I gained weight, and gained measurements and am losing some fat in certain areas which is why some of the measurements went down.

I came in early, so the place was virutally empty and Nancy and I got a really good work out. Mostly what we did the first time was worked specific muscles, so she could gauge where I was and that I was working the right muscle groups. Unfortunately, my abs are shot. I could feel the center but the sides are virtually non existant. So, I've got a lot of work to do with them. I'm going to a class tonight, called Power Scult. Be afraid. Be very afraid. (he he)

I'm still happy, and totally motivated. It feels so great to know that I'm going to lose this weight. The ladies at the gym are supporting me, too which is something I wasnt expecting. Almost everyone is very chatty and friendly.

Days going by. Actually they are flying by. I feel like I'm in slow motion sometimes. I still have a lot to do in reguards to our wedding cruise but I'm waiting on us, first. I dont want to give everyone the reserve information before Steve and I have reserved. That just doesnt seem right, exactly.

I dont think his family realizes that this is how we're going to do it. They think that, "oh its a year away." I get that all the time. I guess they dont realize that nowadays you need to plan a year in advance, especially in the area that we live in. Booking the cruise early gives us plenty of time to save and nothing is completely locked in until June, just in case something does come up. I think its pretty sad, the way things are going only Steve's daughter will be there to support him. I thought better of his family than that.

Pita has been sleeping in the sink. This is most unusual because he likes to sleep near people, or at the very least Spooky. However, I've caught him several times sleeping in the bathroom sink. Yesterday we got into a fight because he was in the tub, full on this time while I was showering. He jumped out before I could catch him, dripping water everywhere and he decided that he didnt want to be blow dryed, and that he'd rather eat the blow dryer instead. :-( Aside from eating my hair and digging into the plant though he was relatively well behaved.

That's that.


Anonymous said...

With my new gym membership thing I am not actually sure if I am losing or gaining weight yet. I am lifting some weights and taking vitamins so hopefully I am actually putting on muscle.

I am enjoying the mental notion of it and the aftereffects/feeling even if I do not enjoy the workout quite so much.

I pondered just doing the elliptical and not lifting weights, but figured I would be doing myself a disservice from that. Not sure.


Adam said...

Forget the gym. Write more stuff about farting!

Unknown said...

I'm getting motivated....