Monday, November 22, 2004

I have my "Mad Face" on

Grumpy grumpy day. And the weather isnt making things any better. Well, thats not true. Normally I love rainy, chilly, foggy days but this one takes the cake.

I'm sitting here waiting on my father in law to call me and tell me when he's almost to Value City Furniture so I can go meet him. We're getting the final piece, kinda. Well the last thing we're going to buy for awhile. The Chair.

I picked the set for The Chair. I love The Chair. Its a chair and a half, almost as big as the loveseat. I love this thing. I could live on it. I think it has something to do with an early fascination of mine of the movie "Heathers." Christian Slater was so fucking hot in that movie. Plus, you get to watch Shannen Doherty die. Its like, two birds, one stone. Brilliant.

My Uncle Al told me my footboard came in for the bed but VC still hasnt called me. Fucking assholes. I dont know why its my job to get my shit delivered. rRRrRRRrrrr.

Yesterday was a fun day in reguards to eating. In the morning, before church, we eat out at the hotel we meet in. Its a nice, well kept secret. The buffet is packed with really good food, a huge selection, and hardly anybody is there. Its a little more expensive but the food is better that your average place, and I dont mind paying extra for no crowds. We ate around 10, which is pretty late but fits with our schedule.

After church, the pastor and his wife invited us to eat lunch with them. In the past, we've said no and it was just one of those things where if we refused them one more time, it would have become insulting. So they chose the restaurant, and where else did they want to go? Golden Corral. Yep. For once, it wasnt a dump and the food looked fragging good. Every other Golden Corral I've went too (think Sizzler) has just been old, dirty and completely unappetizing. We ate a little more than we should have there but everything just looked and smelled and tasted so good. Damn.

When we got home at 2pm we realized we had a dinner thing with the family at 4:30. It was Tita and Al's anniversary. Crap. At no other place than Carrabas. That is not a place where you can eat light. Everything is so heavy. I wanted to weep. We asked if we could change the time from 4:30 to 5:30, and everyone agreed on the new time. The only problem was that at 5:30 the big table we needed was going to be over an hour wait so Tita and Al took it upon themselves to get two booths rather than find another place to eat.

Nicholas paid Steve $1 to beat me up, hehe. It was funny, playing with him at the dinner table. It worked out good too, he only squealed a couple times and I was careful to keep him from bumping the back of the seat. Then of course, monkey see monkey do and Savannah got her dollar and came over to beat me up too! What the hell.

At one point I had to use the restroom. They were playing Spanish tapes, teaching Spanish to English. I was sitting there peeing thinking, what the fuck. I'm peeing, not trying to RETAIN something. The point escaped me. Had it been soft, Spanish music, or something sexy and hot in Spanish that would have owned. But no. I got to hear the translation of "They had two monkeys" or some shit. USEFUL.

True to form, Tita and Al were ready to leave as soon as they were done eating. It bugs me that they never relax over dinner. Whatever. Fine. I had a great time messing with Nicholas and Savannah.

Steve and I have talked about the wedding a lot. It sounds like the cruise idea is going to be a bust. The whole point was to have a neutral, fun ground where my family could meet his family without being jammed down each others throats. Since nobody from his family cares, or gets the point, we're changing our plans. We'll do a Justice of the Peace wedding here, or maybe have our pastor marry us, then go out to eat at like Outback or something. I would just say fuck it and run off and get hitched but that would only punish those who wanted to see us married. Anyway, immediately after dinner Steve and I will fly out somewhere, we're really thinking of a Sandals resort. Sandals has a lot of locations over the Bahamas, U.S. V.I. and Jamaica. The resort has a lot going for it, a lot of activities, beautiful locations. Plus, like a cruise, everything is included like food, tips, all of that stuff. The only thing that isnt covered is airfare and when you go off the grounds. If we stay more than 5 nights, which we would, we can have a wedding ceremony for free there in an intimate setting for just us. I was looking at Sandal's wedding packages, and I would be getting everything the same as the cruise wedding. The only thing I'm not thrilled about is their photography package but how expensive can a photographer be for an hour or two? So thats the word on that.


Adam said...

I am so sad for you about the cruise. I know how much you were looking forward to it. (So much so that I was selfishly looking forward to hearing about all the details when you got back. :P)

And if you don't mind my two cents, I'd give the cruise one more "go" before calling it quits. I'd sit down individually with each family member and let them know how much this cruise means to you and how much you want them to be there. I think you will find out a lot about your family that way - you will get much more honest answers when you are alone and face to face.

Well, whatever happens I know it will be great. And that's because no matter what you do, you're still getting married to your best friend. And in the end that's all that's really important.

Unknown said...

We are anxious to hear about your Thanksgiving! Did you pile the whole gang into the house?