Thursday, November 18, 2004

Furniture Madness Part 3

Sorry I havent updated the blog in such a long time. Almost every spare moment I had was devoted to play World of Warcraft, and trust me those spare moments were few and far between. Unfortunately, open beta is over with today. Tis a sad day, everyone cry. NOW DAMMIT! Okay now you may rejoice, for World of Warcraft is being released November 23!!!! /happy happy joy joy dance

A quick sidenote, I've decided to play a Gnome Warlock, because the Gnome girls' laugh is eerily similar to my own. /giggle

Everything for Thanksgiving was finally finalized so I know what I'm doing and how much to buy. I got my turkey, the perfect size of 16lbs with the little pop up doohicker and everything. The only thing left for me to do is buy produce, which I'll get this Monday. I looked in the paper and got all giddy, almost everything I still need is on sale at Food Lion. Sweet potatoes, $.27/lb YES!

So this whole week I've literally spent cleaning my house. It just never seemed to end. It was all in preparation for my furniture which was delivered yesterday, but more on that later. I have vacuumed my house top to bottom 6 times. 6 TIMES! And still I need to vacuum again. I guess this is why people prune their plants, hehe. I have dead leaves all over my house from moving plants so the delivery men could bring things into the house.

My house really is still in disarray. We had to move a lot of the old stuff we were planning on keeping into Jennifer's bedroom so her room is packed full of our crap, the closet is full of stuff. And I have to put it all away! /cry I cant put it away yet either because we're still expecting one last piece of furniture, and the deliverers will have to work in the bedroom again. With the King-sized bed they'll need all the manuevering room they can get.

I bought all of my stuff from Value City Furniture. I dont particularly like the company or anything but Steve's uncle works there so we figured we'd hook him up with a nice commission and he got a couple things with his discount for us. It all worked out in the end. Anyway, the delivery men came bright and early yesterday morning. I got everything I ordered except for the footboard for the bed but I knew that wasnt coming. They'll have to come back when the footboard comes in, and remove the "loaner" frame and set up the real frame. It better come in soon, that's all I have to say. And anyway, how the hell do they have the headboard but not the footboard? What the hell kind of sense does that make?

The delivery guys were very cool. Hard workers, friendly, they worked with me and gave me exactly what I wanted. They even let me vacuum under the old bed after they'd removed it and the frame before setting up the new bed. Oh yeah, remember how I said there was going to be that stray set of panties that thoroughly embarassed me? I worked hard to clean everything up and make sure there were no panties. So much so that I missed an empty condom wrapper. :-|

So they put the mattress in and I was all happy, jumping up and down on it and rolling around and giggling. You'd have to hear me giggle to understand. The cat was looking at me like I was psycho. He wasnt too happy about having to jump extra high to get on the bed, either. HEHE. The bed is a monster, it kills me everytime I see it. Steve has the alarm clock on his side of the bed, and this morning it went off for me. So I'm crawling across the bed to turn it off and by the time I got there I felt like I'd just ran a marathon. Enormous.

The couch and loveseat are perfect, too. Perfectly weird. I LOVE IT. They're kind of tall rather than wide out like. They are very comfy and all, dont get me wrong. Just taller than I thought in the showroom. Its good though because taller is better than wider in our tiny living room. Leaves plenty of room for a coffee table. But still it looks kind of weird because they are so tall. I love it. Seriously. The chair for the set is coming Friday or Monday. Its ginormous though, almost as big as the loveseat with fluffy cushions. I fell in love with this furniture set because of the chair. Steve's just happy his feet dont hang off the end like they did on the old ones. Oh, and we were going to take the old couches to the dump and put them into the "too good to dump" pile but one of the delivery men took it to give to his church. That makes me happy, there really wasnt anything wrong with them except they were a little too small and a little dirty because they were white and we didnt scotch guard them. Doh! The Goodwills around here dont except furniture, you have to drive all the wya out to Dumfries and thats more of a pain in the ass than its worth so I'm happy the guy took them.


I went to the gym and worked with Nancy again for my second appointment. That lady is just brutal. My chesticles are soooo sore. And tomorrow we're going to work on the lower end of my body. /cry Actually no crying. I'm beyond happy. HAPPY!

On Friday Steve's mother Cris and I went shopping for each other for christmas. We picked out what we wanted and the other bought it and is going to wrap it with a little something extra. It works out better this way, because they've given me some nice stuff that I just cant use. I have a bowl and a platter that they gave me two years ago and this Thanksgiving is the first time I'll have enough people over to use it. So it'll be another two years before I can use them again. Just not practical, see. This way works out better.

Okay. I'm done for now I think.

I'll leave you with this: (Thanks Brenda!)

You Are From Neptune

You are dreamy and mystical, with a natural psychic ability.
You love music, poetry, dance, and (most of all) the open sea.
Your soul is filled with possibilities, and your heart overflows with compassion.
You can be in a room full of friendly people and feel all alone.
If you don't get carried away with one idea, your spiritual nature will see you through anything.

I dont know about all that but it certainly is flattering. Kind of.


Adam said...

I stole your planet quiz. :P

Ally said...

All that, and all you can say is you stole my planet quiz that I stole from Brenda?

Butthead. :-p