Friday, November 19, 2004

These Days

I woke up early to pick up my father in law from the airport. Nothing like waking up at 5 am to fight D.C. traffic. Its petty of me to complain, the reason I had to pick him up from the airport was because he graciously left his truck with us for use to dispose of our old furniture. But if there is one thing I cant stand, its D.C. traffic. I would literally rather drill a hole in my head than drive through rush hour traffic in D.C. Nevermind that I have an older filipino lady in the car trying to give me directions by reading the signs that she cant read until we've pretty much passed them, and telling me to slow down when I'm trying to follow the flow of traffic so I dont cause an accident. I really should not complain, however thats about as high stress as it gets for me.

Cris and I were supposed to drop Nicholas off at school this morning but apparently the poor kid dislikes the school so much he cries in class. I dont know if this is something like separation anxiety from his mom or if the school is genuinely working Nicholas too hard. He's only 5 and he's in a full day of school there. Montesorry schools are harder than a public school but he's not unwilling to take an opportunity when he sees one. See, Cris disapproves of this school for the simple fact that he goes for a full day. She doesnt think he should have to go for a full day yet, whether its right or wrong she always is reluctant to leave him there, which Nicholas always picks up on. Today we went to drop Nicholas off, and he made the sad face and Cris fell for it hook, line, and sinker. She looked at me and said, "Do you think we have to drop him off today?" What the hell, what do I know? So I'm like "sure," although I had an ulterior motive, hehe. With Nicholas in the car we could use the H.O.V. lanes to pick up Hank. It worked out, we got there faster, Nicholas didnt have to go to school and Cris didnt have to be upset about leaving him there. And, if anyone's going to catch hell it will be Cris but she wont because no matter what Amy does for the kids it will never be up to Cris's standards. If Amy opens her mouth, Cris will explode on Amy and Amy knows that.

Its like a soap opera, only better. :-D

Pita is up to his old tricks with the toilet again. I was hoping that letting him play in the sink would cure that. :-( I lifted the lid to use the restroom when I went to open the sliding glass door to let in some fresh air really fast. In the 10 seconds it took me to do that he was up on the bowl with his nose in the water. I kicked him off, and he immediately jumped up on the sink and tucked himself in it, waiting for me to turn on the water. Bizarrrrrre animal. I came in here, into the computer room and sat down at Steve's desk for a minute. He comes in, jumps on Steve's desk and starts knocking stuff off. I mean, on purpose. He knocked a pen, nail clippers, an empty water bottle and an old video card off the desk. I couldnt believe his arrogant ass. It was like the drop and pick up game babies play.

Then, he noticed the mouse moving across the screen and started jumping at it, and swatting it with his paws. Funniest. Shit. Ever. Better than a laser pointer. So he's worn himself out, and I move back to my desk, and he decides he wants to be cute and fluffy and tucks himself into this tiny cubby hole in my desk only he's too big to fit there anymore so he's knocking stuff around. He finally gets that he's too big, and comes out to lay across my keyboard. Oh, and he has a fascination with bread. Twice in a row he's taken the rolls and ripped them out of the bag, to play with them like hockey pucks. I've woken up to find the rolls half tore up, kicked across the floor which is obvious from the bread crumbs, only to find them in secret hidey holes in the house.

What a cheese whiz. Pita's name sure does fit him.

Its almost time to get my new weight and measurements. I'm really scared that I wont see any results.

I'm seriously considering changing the wedding plans. I want to do this with the cruise but I wont have Steve embarassed or disrespected when no one shows up for the cruise except for his daughter. Its bullshit, the amount of stuff he does for his family and this is what he gets in return. The saddest part is I deal with this stuff with my family all of the time. I just wasnt expecting it from his.

I recently heard a new song, I think its gorgeous. It's called Holy Water by Big and Rich. Click on the second Holy Water (not the exclusive performance one), if you want to listen to it.

I've been doing some deep thinking of late, and I'll leave you with it. In the state of New York, aggravated animal cruelty is a felony, punishable by a fine of $5000 and imprisonment of up to 2 years. So, in the state of New York, you cant starve your dog to death, but you can have an abortion. When did a dog's life become more valuable than a human's?


Unknown said...

I was in D.C. in May....I took Sparkle to the Velvet Revolver show at the 9:30 Club. I got a fabulous dose of D.C. traffic! I bet I could make a killing if I opened up a hot dog stand by the highway. You give your order at highway marker 16, pay at highway marker 18, get your order at 20. Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "to go".....

Ally said...

Omfg, thats a genius idea.


Adam said...

Oh come on Ally. That last comment was blatant baiting. :D

98% of Pro-Choice people would choose Life everytime. You know that. It's just that there will always be exceptions to the rule. (Rape, Incest, Health issues, etc.) Until an abortion bill can be written to include those exceptions there will always be a strong Pro-Choice lobby against abortion. And it's unfair to label them to be "murderers". All the majority of the Pro-Choice lobby wants is some semblence of protection from those kinds of circumstances...

Ally said...

Tito, I never called anyone a murderer. I think you have rose colored glasses on when it comes to why and how often people have abortions.

Abortion is not a solution to rape. It doesnt change what happened, nor does it help anyone when another innocent is hurt by it. Especially when that innocent is a child whose only mistake was having a rapist for a father.

My only point that I was trying to make with my comment is simply the imbalance in society's moral ideas. Dogs are precious, I love all animals (except maybe snakes in dark alleyways) and hate to see them hurt. How can anyone profess to be an animal lover and be so callous about unborn babies?

Unknown said...

"While I personally think Scotty boy should put in a jail room with a big nasty alternative lifesytle inmate who hates petroleum jelly,"

LOL Party Dawg!

I hesitate to jump into a debate over abortion because I've seen so many different scenarios. I know one girl who has slutted around all her life and whenever she got pregnant, got an abortion....that's WRONG! But I had a friend recently who thought she was pregnant with #5 and she and her husband are already at the poverty level now. Thank God it turned out she wasn't pregnant.

As much as I hate the thought of people like the first girl I mentioned just throwing lives away....I feel like abortion still has to be allowed as a choice for those who reallly need the option.

There's no cut and dry solution to the abortion problem. I'm just glad its something I've never had to face.

Adam said...

Ally, believe me, I don't have rose colored glasses on. I fully realize the percentage of abortions performed due to rape/incest has got to be around 1%.

And as I mentioned above, I cannot imagine people not choosing LIFE in those other 99% of the cases.

But the fact remains, unless the woman is protected in those 1% of the cases, I cannot say that abortion should be eliminated. Until you or someone you know has been placed in that unfortunate 1%, you have no basis for understanding. How could you tell a 13 girl that has been raped by someone she never met that she must destroy what is left of her childhood by FORCING her to carry that child to term. How can you insist that she must relive that situation everytime she looks at her expanding belly? Of course life is precious, but by bringing one into the world, you are destroying another.

Again, protect the rights of the legitimate 1%, and I'm on your side with you.