Saturday, November 20, 2004

A Day in the Life a Desparate Housewife....

Except I'm not desparate and I'm not married...

I am totally looking forward to Sunday. Its the first day I'll have to really relax before I begin cleaning/preparing my house for the holidays. Atleast it wont be like last week, with the furniture deliveries. Weeee. Last night pretty much summed up what my whole week has been like.

Steve walks in the door, late from work and I'm upstairs folding clothes. He says, "Honey I have to work tomorrow and I hurt my hands so I need looser pants so I can button them easier." "Hurt my hands" really means he sprained the crap out of one and bent the other back by trying to catch a falling server. Who the hell is dumb enough to try and catch a 35lb server? On top of that, while trying to catch it, he tripped and hurt his other hand by landing on it. For such a bright guy, he definitely stumps me sometimes.

He says to me, "I need a pair of black, pleated, and cuffed pants for work tomorrow." So I picked up dinner and after I thought I'd just run to Kohl's and find his pants. No such luck. I found black pleated pants in his size but no cuffs, found black cuffed pants with no pleats in his size and I found pleated and cuffed black pants but not in his size. Rarely is he that specific, and if he's that specific its for a reason.

As you can imagine I was going apeshit. I went to Kohl's, Men's Wearhouse, Men's Big and Tall, and finally found what I was looking for in Burlington Coat Factory. So I bring them home, only the size he always gets is too long in that brand. What the fuck? I know he didnt shrink! So I had to run back to Burlington and exchange for a size shorter. I think I got into the store with 10min to spare before closing and of course trying to exchange and ring out my purchases was a nightmare. The people that work in that store just dont know how to ring people out efficiently. Anyway.

So that pretty much expresses the pace all last week was for me. I can tell its the holidays because normally the baking aisle is a ghost town. Today, the place was packed with people who looked so confused. It would have been funny if I wasnt confused too. :-p

I went to the gym today, after not going Tues-Fri. Yuck, that was miserable. Wont be doing that again, no matter how busy I get. It was a nice workout too. I felt a good burn in my calves but wasnt too winded coming off the treadmill. I want to do some more with the free weights, I could have done it today but I really needed cardio.

I went shopping and picked up some more stuff for groceries today, so now really all I need is produce for the dinner. And some tea. And that's that. See how terribly interesting I am?

I had a minor epiphany today. I was talking to Steve about Nancy, the gym lady who is like, older. Maybe in her mid 40s. I was saying how much I liked her, and he asked me why I liked older people so much. It kinda made me stop and think because really most of the people I get along with are older, with the exception of a few people. Lilija, being the most noteable. But our circumstances are very similar in a lot of ways... Anyway so I was thinking about this and it occured to me that I'm attracted to wisdom, which is something a lot of younger people and people my age lack. So, Lilija, it turns out I only want you for your wisdom! ;-)


Unknown said...

Old people rock! I, of course, include myself in that count.

Adam said...

We're not old, we're just slightly used. :D

And it's not a "minor epiphany", it's a "little Lilija".

(OK, now I see why you didn't refer to me for wisdom...) :P

Lili said...

Well, if I have to be used for something, I suppose wisdom is about as good as it gets ;)

I'm honestly bowled over, and totally flattered. So much so, that I'm almost speechless.


I want to type up this whole thing about how much it means to me, that someone appreciates me for it, because it's probably the most serious, meaningful compliment I could recieve. It's not cheap flattery, here. Probably, because on a day to day basis, my wisdom gets tested, and kicked around, and it's nice to be noticed once in awhile.

I am going to make a seperate blog entry, for all this. It's evolving into a 40 page novel, here.

Go check it out, in a while, and you'll see how much your statement really means to me.