Friday, November 12, 2004

Anger Management

For Tito: I farted today, and it was so bad the cat left the room. No more middle eastern food for me.

Anger Management, where to begin. It all started with a teensy weensy diet. For me, you ask? No no, for my kitties.

My older cat is almost 8 and weighs 17.5lbs. In case you were wondering, she's very overweight. At the moment, healthwise it isnt causing her any problems. Her weight will be a problem in a few more years though so she has to lose some pounds.

I bought Science Diet. Science Diet is a cross between protein bars, and kitty steroids. They only need two small scoops a day, because it is very pure food. Most regular brands have a lot of ash, or fillers. The good is the cats eat less, more healthy food. The bad is that it isnt cheap. The ugly is the cats have to be fed separately. Pita is on kitty food because he needs nutrients good for a kitty. Spooky is on a diet food and she hates the food. Unfortunately, I have to do whats best for her health.

Spooky knows I feed Pita in the computer room, because she discovered it one day when I forgot to pick Pita's food up. So now when I separate them she tries to get into the computer room. When that doesnt work she shoots me a dirty look and eats two bites of her food and walks away, tail twitching.

If Spooky still had claws I might be worried that she'd slit my throat while I was sleeping. As it is I think she's teaching Pita some new bad habits and egging him on when he does bad things. Thats just her way. She isnt speaking to me, either. Except when she demands food. :-(

I need anger management for my kitty.

The highlight of my day was the massage. There was a fitness faire at my gym last Saturday. I put my name in a basket, and it was pulled for a free 30min massage! So I scheduled it for today, and man o man I feel like a rubber doll. For once my shoulders arent hurting, and my shoulders always hurt. I cant wait to meet my fitness goal so I can get another massage. :-D


Adam said...

LOL - I would have been quite OK if the Fart references were confined to that single post. But thank you for thinking of me... :D

Adam said...

"For Tito: I farted today, and it was so bad the cat left the room."

That is almost ACF siggable :D

Anonymous said...

Ally, we women don't fart, we "lightly fragrance the room"