Friday, November 26, 2004

Look who's cooking now

Thats right, its me. I cooked Thanksgiving dinner almost all by my little self. Here was the menu:

Turkey (a 16lb'er with an internal timer, rubbed with butter and rotiesserie seasoning-who knew you needed poultry seasoning! but this worked fine too.)
Stuffing (its a good thing I had my seasoning cabinet stocked, who knew you needed seasoned bread?)
Cranberry (canned ftw)
Mashed potatoes (made with chives and onion cream cheese)
Baked Macaroni and Cheese (with an Italian breadcrumb crust top)
Mutant sweet potatoes (each one was well over a pound, slathered in butter and tossed into the oven with the turkey)
Corn on the Cob (so easy)
Green Bean casserole (pan fried onions, portabella mushrooms, and fresh greenbeans)
Croissant Rolls (thank God for stoneware, they came out perfectly)
Salad (Spinach, Feta Cheese, Tomato, and chopped walnuts with Raspberry vinagrette dressing, sooo so easy)

We had deviled eggs and my bread dip stuff for appetizers, too. Nobody went home hungry.

Steve was uber nazi the past two days. I understand his fear because slacking is my profession but damn, he was really starting to piss me off. Luckily, all of that neck breathing paid off. Wednesday I touched up the house for company, and got the bedroom ready for the footboard while trying to make room for all of the guests that were coming. Again, thankfully I made my pies on Wednesday, oh I forgot the pies. I made an Apple-Cranberry pie and a pumpkin pie. They were awesome. *toots her own horn* Yes so I made the pies, peeled and chopped the potatoes, and boiled the eggs on Wednesday. There was only one crises, involving the turkey and my mistaken theory that the turkey was still frozen. At the end of the day, I was soooo tired by the time my head hit the pillow I was already snoring.

Thursday was very manic for me. Only one crises on Thursday, when I realized I couldnt find the other soup mix that I was sure I had. I know its here in the house, dammit but I dont know where it was. Without the soup mix, no bread dip. That was solved by a quick trip to the grocery store which I dont like to do at all but this was the first party I was hosting, and I wanted everything to go smoothly. The day started at 9am and literally did not end until well after 10pm. I cooked, I cleaned, I peeled, I snipped, cut, trimmed, and generally wore little toes down to nubs from walking around so much. I even had help! Still, being the main person in charge was very draining. You never know how much goes into cooking a holiday dinner until you're the main one working. Hostess, cook, dishwasher, and maid all in one. Trying to keep up after 5 people on a holiday is nuts. I have newfound respect for all women who manage the holidays and stay in one piece.

I was in the grocery store on Wednesday and saw the saddest thing. This guy was in the line behind me with a 6 pack of Bud (no thats not the sad part) and two individual microwave lasagna meals. By individiual I mean, teeny tiny one person meal. That was just so sad. :-(

I have so much more to blog about but I am so tired I cant even type.


Anonymous said...

You made it!!!

Adam said...

I was going to ask why he didn't help you, but then I realized that guys tend to just be in the way. :D

Glad it turned out great!

Anonymous said...

*Little old lady voice* - Where you at?

Is it possible that someone in the blogging community is out there having a REAL LIFE????

Anonymous said...

Hey Blogger! Great post on Raindrops keep falling on my head. I have a site about Cool Koolaid, do you want to trade links?

Anonymous said...

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