Thursday, October 28, 2004

Damn you Lilija-bean!

I had a dream about my ex last night. It didnt scare me in the dream but when I woke up, I was like, "wtf was that all about?"

The only part I remember is that we were dating again, and I was supposed to be there with him. We were at a water park, staying for the weekend or something and were walking around trying to find something or someone maybe. He was dragging me with him, and he walked through the water slide. Like, he reached out and touched the water temperature, shrugged, and started walking across it. Well, we ran out of slide to walk across and had to go in the water and swim. I remember it being very cold out of the water too, and thinking how strange that he would go swimming like that. He was always so particular about things, and he never seemed to want to get his head wet unless he was showering.


There's only two reasons I would be thinking about him now that I can think of. One, Lilijabean's dream blog did get me wondering about him again. How he was doing, that kind of thing. And two, I just started talking to a friend of mine from when I used to date my ex and have been considering asking my friend if he knows how my ex is doing.


Ally said...

No, Zare.

This is someone from my past. Someone I dated for five years. History. Resounding history. Things happened that still affect my reactions today.

Lili said...

A dream is just that, though. Totally subconcious, sorta sifting towards conciousness because sleep is the only time your mind will entertain those thoughts.

As long as it was just a dream (and left you rather disturbed, rather than wondering, interested, etc) then no biggie, like you said, it was because I documented a dream pertaining heavily to my past and because you talked to a friend from yours. All things that sorta drift through your subconsious when you're awake, that manifest themselves when you sleep.