Monday, October 25, 2004

Wedding Blues

Well, not really but I thought it was a good title.

So, to go to Jamaica, you need to prove your citizenship. The most convenient way to do this for the average America is to use a birth certificate and a driver's license.

Of course, my mother has to date a felon who doesnt have a birth certificate. She says that he was born at home, and was therefore never issued one. When I questioned her about what the schools did, because even 40 years ago they required a birth certificate, she replied that he went to a private Christian school that his mother taught in.

Well then how did he get a legal Florida driver's license? What substitute did they accept at that time? How did he get married, or even get a marriage certificate? She keeps dancing around this, saying that things were different and he cant get a birth certificate issued this long after.

Great mom. You go with your felon. I dunno, it just seems shady. I dont buy it.

Anywho, its not raining on my parade because I wont be heartbroken if he isnt there. That probably sounds callous, but welcome to the real me. My mom was kinda fishing, to see my reaction, if he couldnt get his birth certificate. I just was all supportive, "Dont worry mom we have plenty of time to take care of it." So she dropped that avenue.


Adam said...

"We have plenty of time to take care of it..."

Good answer!!!

As in taking care of the problem = dumping someone incapable of proving who they are off at the curb.

As an "outsider looking in" here, (and one without all the facts obviously) I call bullshit. There is no way he doesn't have someplace to go to get a birth certificate.

The only reason for not wanting to get one is if the guy is pretending to be someone he isn't and is now going by a different name, etc...

I hope I'm 100% off base with that comment and your mom's story is true. But I just don't buy it.

Ally said...

I hope I'm wrong too.

I should clarify, to my knowledge he's not a felon. He's never been convicted of anything that I'm aware of. I'm calling him a felon because that's just really shady. Maybe my mom knows and doesnt want to tell me.

And thanks for the compliment. I think it was the best way to handle it too. :-)