Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I am Bridezilla

Its so weird. I never thought I'd get a nice wedding, you know. I always thought I'd be married by the Justice of the Peace downtown and have my reception in Denny's. But here I am, a lucky bride-to-be that gets to have her wedding while on a cruise. I'm buying a beautiful dress, choosing tropical flowers, and I'm getting a nice cake. That's all I really want anyway, everything else is just bonus. Plus, I'll be surrounded by my family in a place I never thought I'd get to be married at in a million years. How awesome is that!?

To get this wedding, I'm doing a lot of research, and getting as much information as possible so I can pass it out to the family. One person is concerned about how close they'll be to the engines, another person is concerned about the medical facilities on board. Yet another is wondering about what type of attire to bring. Its not hard, just a lot of information I wouldnt have thought of in a million years but whenever I get down to finding the information I get downright giddy. Its so awesome to feel that way, like I could giggle for an hour straight. =p

So here I am, under a mountain of cruise, flight, and accomodation information plus the ceremony and reception and loving every second of it. :-D

Everyone keeps telling me to relax about it and for the most part I am. They dont get why I'm keyed up though. Its like, here's something I've always secretly wanted (the wedding), plus something to make it extra extra special (the cruise + family) and I'm getting exactly what I want. The idea that this could happen is sending me into orbit, so when a family member hesitates, its kind of like someone taking a big knife and stabbing my happiness balloon. I dont say anything and stuff, because I understand. The cruise and wedding will be a huge time and money committment but at the same time it just brings me down a notch.

In any case it doesnt matter because my mind is made up. This is the way I'm doing it, and this is the way it's going to get done, no matter who shows up. :-p


Ally said...

/slaps Tessa

Meghan W heaton Cirrito said...

Check out Their message boards are REALLY helpful and there is a ton of information on the site. Congratulations and have a great time!

Ally said...

Thanks Megan, I appreciate the weblink. Its definitely good to get opinions from people who arent paid for them. :-p