Thursday, October 28, 2004

Whats a nice way of saying?

Whats a nice way of saying, "Honey I know you're giving me the wedding and honeymoon of my dreams, and thank you for the new gym membership and personal training whenever I want it, thanks for taking care of my fillings and wisdom teeth, oh and by the way can I have a $300 MP3 player plus the armband and enough money to keep ITunes running for a month?"

I want an MP3 player something fierce, so I can listen to music I like while working out. Unfortunately, we've spent a lot on everything else, not to mention Steve kept his boat in storage this past year rather than putting it in the water to save money. But I'm dying for an MP3 player. I havent wanted any gadgets, ever. All I ask is that my PCs are in good working condition. This is different. This is something I'm excited about.

But I cant say anything. :-(

Maybe I'll do some stuff on the side and buy it for my christmas present. What to do, what to do.


Lili said...

Yes, in fact, you do want an iPod, very much. I'm IN LOVE with mine. Not to be a bad influence... (sorry :p)

Christmas is coming, you could perhaps entreat family members to get together and chip in.

Adam said...

What? You don't care for the Hip Hop they blare over the stereo at the gym??? :D

Adam said...

What? You don't care for the Hip Hop they blare over the stereo at the gym??? :D

Adam said...

What? You don't care for the Hip Hop they blare over the stereo at the gym??? :D