Sunday, October 31, 2004

Happy Days Are Here Again!

I've decided to pick up the Mister's attitude, which is the same one that I got from Steve. Fuck em. I was still in a snit yesterday, after overhearing a conversation Amy had with Jennifer, about Cris and the cruise. I've mentioned that Cris isnt a well person anymore, and she's really scared about getting seasick and being stuck on a boat. I've tried to reassure her that they have medicine for that, and that its such a huge ship anyway that it shouldnt be a problem. And even if it was, they would remove her from the boat if it was that bad. However, yesterday I heard Amy saying to Jennifer, "Several people were sick the whole cruise, even though they took the medicine. And you know how mom is, she's just so frail." Listen, bitch, dont tell me your mom shouldnt go because it'll make yourself feel better about not going. It definitely makes me feel like she's scaring Cris into not going.

You have to understand the dynamic here. Cris is an older, filipino lady. First born sons are everything in the filipines. Whether you agree with it or not, what Steve says goes in her mind. Two weeks ago, we spoke with Cris about the wedding, and Steve said, "Mom, you arent going to get sick. They have medicine, they can remove you from the boat. You'll be fine." She was fine, after talking to Steve. I mean, like, kosher. And now she's scared again? Uh huh. Yeah. I wonder why.

However, I'm zen with that now. I dont give a fuck. I'll take care of Amy's kids, because I adore them, but nothing else for her. No more. And I certainly wont inconvenience myself or Steve to help her anymore. Fuck 'em.

Onto myself, my favorite subject. :-)

I seem to overbook myself. Like, subconciously. For weeks I wont have much going on in my life, and then bam, I book five things in one day almost to make it so I dont have to get everything done. I'm so kooky. Yesterday I was thinking what a great idea it would be to take Jennifer and Cris out to lunch. Cris always loves seeing Jenn, yadda yadda but I "forgot" that I had Anassa's party yesterday, of which I had most of the stuff but it wasnt all completed. Here I am, working out in the morning, going to the store for soda for Steve, running across the street to shower and get ready for lunch. I drove out to pick Cris up, which is no short trek. You can see the pyramids from her house, honest to God. Jenn and I get there and of course she isnt quite ready and the grand kids are hanging off her. They havent seen Jenn or me in awhile so they want to play, yadda yadda by the time we get to Chili's its already after noon. We piddle there because we're all some crazy slow eaters, and I have to drop Cris off at her house, yadda yadda we dont get home til after 2. Anyway I wont bore you guys with anymore details but it was after 6 by the time I was ready to go, and then it hit me, I'd forgotten to get the directions! Argh. No problem though, Mapquest gave me solid directions last time. I plug in and get on and lo and behold, the directions have changed and are taking me straight through Anacostia. As socially liberated as I feel, Anacostia is not a place for a white girl in a rich car to be after dark, and God forbid I break down on the road. Steve is having conniptions, when he realizes where I have to drive through and is like, freaking out. I realize dear reader that he was genuinely worried for my safety but he was ripping my head off about not having gotten the directions earlier. He's probably right but he definitely wasnt helping my mood situation any.

There I was, all dressed up and feeling pretty damn frustrated. Finally we got the direction situation done, and I went on about my way. I got to the party a little late, and only got lost twice but Anassa was very handy with alternate routes and as a bonus, I didnt have to go through Anacostia. I had an okay time, I was really just excited to see Anassa again. The people there were cool, and friendly but I just dont have much in common with lawyers, doctors, a European exchange helper, and a *gasp* lobbyist. Socially, I was still charming, but bored. It isnt that they werent saying things of substance, just they werent saying anything that struck my interest.

I left the party semi-early and got home a little after 11. The drive was really what changed my mood more than anything. It was late at night and the roads were empty by D.C. standards (meaning there were cars everywhere but they were all moving in the same direction at fast speeds) so I had the roof open and the radio cranked and I was feeling pretty damn good. Plus, I looked awesome. I know I did. I bought these stockings for my legs, you know, witchy stockings, two pairs, one orange and black striped and the other purple and black striped. I took one of each color and wore them on my legs, and I took the other two and cut holes in them for my hands and thumbs and wore them on my arms. I had on a plain black dress that was down to my calves and a knit shawl thingy so I was looking pretty witchy. A huge silver and malachite stone necklace, bitchin red lipstick and a spider and web tattoo under my eye completed the look. I looked awesome! So I'm feeling hot, hauling ass down the road (not too fast, cos I dont want a speeding ticket) with teh top down and killer music playing and I started feeling good again. I talked to the Lord, and he helped me just let it all go. It was soooo nice. :-)

Today would have been great, if I hadnt woken up with cramps. Periods suck. It was so funny, because its early this month so I wasnt expecting it but I know what it feels like. So I'm half awake, and realizing that I'm starting and I jump out of bed because I didnt want to ruin my new sheets! LOL. So its only 3:30 in the morning and Steve is all "wtf?" because I ran into the trunk on the way to the bathroom. Hahahaha.

After I crawled back into bed, I had the weirdest dream. Steve and I were living in an apartment and he decided we couldnt marry so he hooked me up with Jeff Corwin. I dont remember much else except that there was a giant claw foot tub and I didnt want to date Jeff because he was married. Weirdness.


Adam said...

OOH. You got a convertable?? Coolness! What kind is it? And are they hard to see out of when the the top is up?I would love one, but the boss (I have to call her that now that she checks up on me) doesn't think she would like her hair blowing in her face...

Ally said...

Aww I should have said "roof open" rather than "top down." We have a moon roof, which I love. Its great, I'd recommend it to anyone. A moon roof is great for those cool, sunny days or late at night with the stars and moon out mostly. But I like it on the highway to keep me awake.

No pics of the costume, Zare. :-( And I do tell Steve how wonderful he is, probably too much. I'm so proud of him, and like, its so great that I get to share my life with him.