Thursday, October 21, 2004


So I used to play Asheron's Call on the Winter's Ebb server, a long long time ago in a land far far away. Once upon a time, in said land, there became a vigilante who was so against Unattended Combat Macroing that she began harassing everyone she came across. Fast forward to present day and there I am, trolling the Winter's Ebb VN Boards from time to time and I see a post from an old friend who was finally so fed up with this person's tactics, that she and her guild took a stand. I posted on the thread, stating that I agreed with my friends stance and the measures she was taking. I get two PMs, one from the harasser and one from my friend a few days later. After the harasser sent the PM I went to her website to ask her nicely not to send me anymore PMs. I dont even play the game anymore for cripes sake. I go back to check my thread and see if the harasser replied. She deleted my thread. I posted again not to PM me with information and left for good. A few days later, my friend who started the original thread on VN PMs me. Apparently the harasser has put me up on her website saying, "Allerielle - does not play AC / hates my "fame" but was a friend before - strange " It kind of irritates me that I'm even near her name, but anyway. I've wasted too much time on her already. All I have to say is that I dont give a rats ass about her fame, its not even fame its infamy and her name is a joke in AC circles. I never liked her to begin with, my momma raised me to be polite and I was working on kharma points. I'll end this by saying that she reminds me of Oliver Cromwell.


Lili said...

Wow. I SO don't miss AC drama.

Adam said...

Wow. This is the third AC related blog I've seen today. There has got to be something in the air...